2H flight time, long range antenna, 3G and Satellite connection, PPK, multi sensor
Endurance | 2 Hours |
Weight | 2 kg |
Range per flight | Up to 100 kms |
Accuracy (GSD / coverage area) | 2.1 cm / 4.1 km2 (150 m AGL) |
Set-up time | < 8 minutes |
Thermal video sensor | EO/IR – digital zoom |
Launch method | Hand (catapult as an option) |
Deployment | < 5 minutes |
Wingspan / Length | 1.8 m / 1.2 m |
Cruise speed | 50 km/h (27 kts) |
Wind resistance | 50 km/h (27 kts) |
Telecom | Up to 20 km / 3G / 4G |
Launch method / recovery | Hand or catapult / belly |
Flight altitude ceiling | Up to 3000 m ASL |
Features and extras | VLOS, EVLOS, BVLOS certification Operations from -20° + 50° 100% iTAR free |